In many countries, people are considered adults at the age of 18. In Japan, however, the legal age of adulthood is 20. I believe this law should be changed to 18 for the following reasons.
First, at 18, people gain many responsibilities, such as the right to vote and work full-time. If they are responsible enough to make decisions about their future, they should also be considered legal adults.
Second, lowering the age to 18 would align Japan with international standards. Many countries, including the United States and the United Kingdom, recognize 18-year-olds as adults. This change would help young Japanese citizens be seen as equals in global society.
Finally, at 18, many people graduate from high school and start university or work. Recognizing them as adults at this stage would make legal and financial processes smoother, allowing them to sign contracts and manage their own affairs.
In conclusion, Japan should lower the legal adulthood age to 18. It would reflect their responsibilities, align with international norms, and support young people in their transition to independence.
1. 単語・文法のポイント
be considered(~と見なされる):受動態で表現
responsible enough to ~(~するのに十分責任がある):適切な形容詞の使い方
align with(~と一致する):国際基準との整合性を示す表現
transition to independence(自立への移行):論理的にまとまった結論
2. 論理構成
理由①(Reason 1):18歳で多くの責任を持つ
理由②(Reason 2):国際基準との整合性
理由③(Reason 3):進学・就職の現実に即している
3. 出題意図
この問題は、英語の論理的な構成力・表現力を試すものです。特に、(1) 自分の立場を明確にする、(2) 理由を3つほど挙げる、(3) 論理の流れを意識する ことが求められます。
4. 解答のコツ
(I believe this law should be changed to 18.)
理由を順序立てて説明する(First, Second, Finally を活用)