




問題 1 の解答例と解説(人口増減率)


The graph shows population growth rates by region from 2000 to 2050. From the graph, we can see that Africa has the highest growth rate, while Europe has a negative growth rate. The world’s average growth rate is gradually declining.
One reason for these trends is differences in birth rates. African countries tend to have higher fertility rates due to cultural and economic factors, while European countries have lower birth rates due to lifestyle changes and economic concerns. Another reason is aging populations. In Europe and Japan, the number of elderly people is increasing, leading to population decline. In contrast, Africa has a younger population, which contributes to its higher growth rate.
As population declines in some regions, labor shortages and economic stagnation may occur. Countries with aging populations need policies to support elderly care and encourage immigration to maintain their workforce.


① 単語と表現

Population growth rate(人口増加率)
Fertility rate(出生率)
Aging population(高齢化人口)
Labor shortage(労働力不足)
Economic stagnation(経済停滞)
Encourage immigration(移民を促進する)

② 文法・表現のポイント

"From the graph, we can see that..."(グラフから〜が分かる)
→ 問題で求められている「グラフからわかること」の説明に適した表現。
"One reason for these trends is..."(この傾向の一つの理由は〜)
→ 論理的な説明の流れを作る。
"Another reason is..."(別の理由は〜)
→ 追加の理由を述べる際に使う便利な表現。
"In contrast, Africa has a younger population..."(対照的に、アフリカは若い人口が多い)
→ 対比 を明確にする表現。

③ 論理構成

第1段落: グラフから読み取れること(アフリカは成長率が高く、ヨーロッパは低い)
第2段落: その理由(出生率の違い、高齢化の影響)
第3段落: 今後の課題(労働力不足、移民政策)

このように、「グラフの読み取り → 理由の説明 → 社会的影響」と順序立てることで、論理的な文章になります。


